Sunday, May 31, 2009

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

“Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian” scores five stars for humor but there were a few things that could have been left out. I wasn’t so happy with their choice to use the word d*** twice (as I would have loved for my two boys to see it) nor their choice to play up the feminist mindset with Amelia Earhart; however, these two little things I would have happily overlooked had they left out the reprehensible cheap shot taken, not only at America’s heritage, but at our American military as well.

As Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) dives for an escape upon Captain George Armstrong Custard’s little motorized bike, he shouts, “What’s the plan?” Captain Custard proudly proclaims, “We’re Americans! We don’t plan, we do!” Add to that the despicable portrayal of Custard as a ludicrous, unthinking idiot, and you have a good representation of Hollywood’s bias against our nation’s military and heritage.

Now some may argue that there is nothing really to be upset about here. It’s no big deal. What’s the harm in poking a little fun? Tell it to the men who lost their lives in the name of this Great Nation’s freedom. Tell it to the men who gave all they had to defend everything they believed in. Tell it to the men who entered the military knowing they would most likely never see their families again in order that you and I might live unscathed by tyranny. Tell it to the wives who lost their husbands in battle. Tell it to the children who never saw their daddies again. After all, war is a horrible thing and is completely unnecessary. All those men died in vain.

I just have a couple of words for all those who despise our nation’s heritage. Why don’t you pack up your bags and leave? If you aren’t proud of America and the men that sacrificed to form her, if you think war serves no purpose, then go find yourselves another country. As for those of us that love our country and are proud of our nation’s past and the accomplishments of those who sacrificed so much for her, we’ll stay and proudly uphold the traditions that were once held so dear. We’ll continue to fight for freedom.

And one more thing…those of you who are so liberal and anti-war, we’ll just put you in your own little country with no military to defend you and we’ll see how long you remain anti-war.

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