Tuesday, June 01, 2010

How to get your kids to eat vegetables

Some Veggie Tips

1. Mix baby food squash or carrots in with spaghetti sauce and feed them spaghetti for lunches or dinner two or three times a week. It takes 11 min. to boil the noodles and seconds to add the baby food to canned sauce.

2. Make banana bread or zucchini bread the day before for breakfast the next day.

3. Make banana or pumpkin pancakes for breakfast. This can be as simple as using a pre-made mix and then adding the canned pumpkin or mashed bananas. You will probably have to adjust the water amount that you add to the pancake mix.

4. I tried making spinach brownies one time. It didn't really work for my kids. But you could try it for yours! Just google spinach brownies.

5. If your toddler loves baby food fruits and veggies but won't switch to whole fruits and veggies, don't stress about it. Just keep them on the baby food because at least they are getting fruits and veggies!

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