Monday, February 05, 2007

The Monday Blues

Some Mondays I wake up depressed and I just don’t want to get out of bed. Today is one of those days. I don’t know what it is! There is some reason rattling around back in the subconscious of my mind but it has not been made clear to me. All I know is that I don’t want to work, I don’t want to deal with my children, and I just don’t want to face life today.

I guess it doesn’t help that the weather is so drab. If it was bright and sunny and warm, I might not feel so depressed. We could go outside and play and burn off some of this energy from being cooped up inside all day, every day!

Unfortunately on days such as this, I tend to sleep in and not get much work done. Then I feel guilty because I was lazy and not diligent with my time. And that adds to the depression. But then I remind myself that everyone has bad days. Just because I have a bad day does not mean I am a failure. And God is good! It generally only lasts for one day.

But it is hard to grasp a hold of the hope that is His abundant life on days such as these. Depression is like a black hole that sucks all light and joy into it. This is when it becomes imperative for the soul to win out over the flesh. My flesh is weak and will be sucked into that black hole every single time. My soul is strong because of the strength of the Holy Spirit which indwells it. God indwells me! And by His strength and grace alone, I make it through days such as these. Indeed, it is by His grace that I make it through any day but these days get an “especially” put before them!

Praise be to my God and Father for His strength, grace, goodness and the lavishly luxuriant amount of love which He pours over me!

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