Sunday, February 04, 2007

Wrinkles--Bring Them On!

There are women who get “checked out” by men and there are women who don’t. I happen to be one of those women who do. And I won’t pretend that I don’t notice. The other day I was out to lunch with my dad and it was a buffet. On my way to the buffet, this good-looking, probably 30 year old guy was checking me out and making eye contact. When this happens, depending on my mood, I either smile politely or just ignore them altogether. I think this time I ignored him altogether. And he probably lost interest when I later walked by with my four year old. And I felt a swelling sense of pride as I did this, glad to have a defense of some sort.

But this little incident brought a wonderful thought to my mind. One day men will not “check” me out anymore. I will be old and wrinkly and bent over, walking with a cane and I won’t have to suffer the unwelcome gaze of men who aren’t my husband. And I just want to say that the day that happens I will jump for joy! Well, as much as an old lady possibly can. Beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord, SHE is to be praised. Hallelujah!

I am not afraid of wrinkles! Bring them on! With each wrinkle I am that much closer to meeting my Savior in heaven! AND I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Suzy O. said...

Ah, the curse of being young and beautiful. :) It sadness me to think of all those who place so much in beauty, something so temporal so fleeting.